2024 Practice & Game Day Schedule
A Team Practice: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 4:30pm - 6:00pm at the PMS gym.
B Team Practice: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 4:30pm-6:00pm at the PMS gym.
C Team Practice: Wednesday
from 4:30pm - 6:00pm at the PMS gym.
The schedule is tentative and subject to change. Please keep an eye on the website for updates.
2024 Team Uniform
Practice: Norcross Volleyball practice t-shirts
Games: A Team Blue Devils Volleyball jerseys;
B/C/C teams Norcross Volleyball jerseys
Additionally all players should wear:
Spandex - navy blue or black
Socks - white or black
Knee pads - white or black
Tennis shoes volleyball court shoes (not required)
See the Game Day Button to the right for additional tips for Game Days & Tournaments!
Online Store:
The online store is the only place to find our bags and practice shirts. Players can replace lost, damaged or outgrown practice shirts or backpacks, if needed.
Players are required to purchase practice
t-shirts. This is in addition to club dues.
Other items to purchase include: backpacks, spandex, socks, ankle guards, etc. Players are required to have navy or black spandex for games, as well as knee pads (these may be black, white, or navy). Ankle guards are recommended for any front row players, but not mandatory.
Jerseys will be passed out early in the season, and must be returned at the end of the season. There is a $50 replacement fee for each jersey not returned.