Parent Volunteer Roles
Score Turner
Libero Tracker
Line Judge
More Details
Because this is a volunteer-run organization, each family is expected to volunteer. There will be opportunities after school, work, or even on the weekends and we will use a Sign Up Genius to track open volunteer positions. A few notes:
If you are working courtside during the matches your child plays and you must be able to stay calm and focused during the matches. These roles include: Score Keeper, Score Turner, Libero Tracker, and Line Judge. If you have small children that need constant supervision at a match, these positions will not be the best ones for you or bring a sitter or friend to watch child during game.
You must have your cell phone turned off while scorekeeping.
We do allow mature siblings to score flip with a parent scorekeeper, but they MUST pay attention to their job and take it seriously.
The GHSA scoring system used for our matches is the same one used by the high school, so you will learn a skill to help out the high school team in the future.
The roster and serving order will be provided at the start of each game by the head coach.
The Volunteer Coordinator will let you know the matches for which we must provide line judges, scorekeepers/flippers and libero trackers. We provide these roles for all of our home weekday matches, most tournaments, and possibly some away matches.